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[자막뉴스] 은행도 잘 모르는 이 제도, 융자상품 있다면 주목하세요! / YTN

[자막뉴스] 은행도 잘 모르는 이 제도, 융자상품 있다면 주목하세요! / YTN


What is the system that even banks struggle with?

What is the significance of this system for loan seekers?

How the System Works

Understanding the basic concept of the system

What are the benefits of the system?

How to use the system

What are the risks and limitations of the system?

Why Banks Struggle with the System

Lack of awareness or understanding

Operational challenges

Regulatory hurdles

Advantages for Potential Loan Seekers

Easier access to loans

Affordable interest rates

Improved credit score

Increased trustworthiness

Risks and Limitations

Possibility of fraud or identity theft

Limited availability and access

Potential damage to credit score

Confusion about regulations


Importance of understanding the system

Need for improved awareness and education


1. Can anyone access the system?

2. How long does it take to process a loan using the system?

3. Will using the system improve my credit score?

4. Is it safe to use the system?

5. What are the requirements for using the system?

If you’ve been struggling to get a loan from a bank or other traditional lender, you may want to look into a new system that’s gaining popularity in Korea. Even banks are struggling to understand this new system, which means it could be the solution you’ve been looking for. In this article, we’ll explain what the system is, how it works, and what benefits and risks it presents for loan seekers.

The system we’re talking about is called the Credit Information Sharing System (CISS), and it was introduced in Korea in 2005. The basic idea behind the system is to allow lenders to share information about borrowers, so they can evaluate creditworthiness more accurately and make better lending decisions. In other words, if you apply for a loan from one lender and get rejected, that lender can share your credit information with other lenders, allowing them to assess your creditworthiness more objectively.

The benefits of the CISS are numerous. For one thing, it makes it easier for borrowers to access loans, especially those who may not have a high credit score. It can also lead to lower interest rates, as lenders are able to make better lending decisions and reduce their risk. And because borrowers are sharing their credit information, it can actually help improve their credit score over time, as lenders see that they are trustworthy and reliable.

However, there are also risks and limitations to the CISS. One of the biggest risks is the possibility of fraud or identity theft, as borrowers have to share personal and financial information with a larger number of lenders. There is also the issue of limited availability and access, as not all lenders may participate in the system. And in some cases, using the system could actually harm a borrower’s credit score, especially if they don’t understand the regulations and requirements.

So why are even banks struggling with the CISS? There are a few reasons. For one thing, the system is still relatively new, so many lenders may not be familiar with how it works or how to use it effectively. There are also operational challenges, such as integrating the system with existing loan application processes. And there are regulatory hurdles, as the system is subject to government oversight and approval.

If you’re interested in using the CISS to apply for a loan, it’s important to do your research and understand how it works. You should also be aware of the potential risks and limitations, and make sure you’re comfortable with sharing your information with multiple lenders. And if you’re a lender yourself, it’s important to understand the benefits and challenges of using the system, and work to improve your awareness and education about it.

In conclusion, the Credit Information Sharing System is a powerful tool that can help both borrowers and lenders make better lending decisions. While it presents some risks and limitations, it’s worth exploring if you’re struggling to access credit through traditional channels. By learning more about the system, you can make informed decisions and take advantage of its benefits.

보다 더 많은 융자상품 정보 확인하기

은행의 개인 신용평가 등급은 융자상품 한도와 금리를 결정하는 주요 척도 가운데 하나입니다.

신용정보회사의 신용점수와 별도로 은행은 내부 시스템을 통해 자체 등급을 매기고 있는데, 일반 금융 소비자가 쉽게 확인할 수 있는 정보는 아닙니다.

이에 따라 지난 2020년 8월 도입된 제도가 있습니다.

개인이 은행 등을 상대로 신용평가 결과에 대한 설명을 요구하고 이의제기도 할 수 있는 ‘개인 신용평가 대응권’입니다.

융자상품이 있는 사람이라면 누구든 융자상품 실행 또는 연장 시점의 신용평가 결과를 구체적으로 확인해볼 수 있습니다.

제가 현재 융자상품을 받고 있는 은행입니다.

제 신용등급이 어떻게 평가돼 있는지 직접 들어가서 자료를 요청해보겠습니다.

30분도 채 걸리지 않아 받은 서류에는 신용등급은 물론 판단 정보와 반영 비율이 구체적으로 나와 있습니다.

신용등급에 유리하게 반영된 항목과 불리한 요소 등도 확인할 수 있습니다.

만약 정보가 부정확하거나 최신 정보가 아니라고 판단되면 정정·삭제와 재산출 요구가 가능합니다.

이를 통해 등급을 바로잡았다면 금리 인하도 요구해볼 수 있는 겁니다.

그러나 정작 제도를 아는 사람은 많지 않습니다.

[최우진 / 서울 성수동 : (자료를 받아서 이의신청도 할 수 있어요. 혹시 아셨나요?) 아니요 전혀 몰랐어요.]

[임희정 / 서울 연남동 : 이의신청 할 수 있는 걸 몰랐는데 만약 이의신청을 할 수 있었다면 저는 당연히 해봤을 것 같아요.]

사실상 유명무실한 제도이다 보니 은행권에서조차 생소하다는 반응입니다.

실제 한 주요 시중은행에서는 지난 3년간 제도를 활용한 사람이 한 자릿수에 그친 것으로 나타났습니다.

이에 따라 금감원은 금융 소비자가 개인 신용평가 대응권을 충분히 행사할 수 있도록 관련 내용과 신청 방법을 융자상품상품 설명서에 반영하기로 했습니다.

또 지금은 은행 영업점에 직접 방문해야만 확인할 수 있는데 앞으로 홈페이지나 모바일 앱 등 다양한 방법으로 가능하게 한다는 방침입니다.

나날이 치솟는 금리, 작은 것 하나라도 놓치지 않도록 금융 소비자들이 더 적극적으로 권리를 행사해야 할 시점입니다.

YTN 강희경입니다.

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