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8% 대출금리도 코앞…”월 상환액 2배” 영끌족 비명 [굿모닝 MBN]

8% 여신금리도 코앞…”월 상환액 2배” 영끌족 비명 [굿모닝 MBN]


I. Introduction
A. Brief background on 8% interest loans
B. Overview of the video news clip
II. The current state of 8% interest loans
A. Explanation of the 8% interest loan program
B. Analysis of monthly repayments
III. The impact of 8% interest loans on Korean society
A. Discussion on the people affected by the program
B. Comparison with other loan programs
IV. Criticisms and concerns
A. Analysis of the complaints raised by loan recipients
B. Commentary on the future of the program
V. Conclusion
A. Recap of the main points
B. Final thoughts on 8% interest loans
A. What is the eligibility criteria for 8% interest loans?
B. Can I apply for the program online?
C. Will there be further rate hikes in the future?
D. How are monthly payments calculated?
E. Can non-Korean citizens apply for 8% interest loans?


[굿모닝 MBN] aired a news clip on the 8% interest loan program that has been causing much uproar in Korea. The report shed light on the struggles of ordinary people who are burdened with 8% interest loans, with some experiencing monthly repayments that exceed double the loan principal amount.

The 8% interest loan program was introduced by the South Korean government to provide low-interest loans to those who didn’t qualify for traditional bank loans. This program was intended to help those who are financially struggling and needed access to quick cash.

However, the program hasn’t been able to deliver on its promise of helping the masses. The monthly repayments for these loans are calculated using a complicated formula that results in repayments that are oftentimes twice the original loan amount.

The program has had a significant impact on Korean society. Many people who were misled by the promise of low-interest loans are now unable to make payments and are forced to default on their loans. Consequently, they face financial penalties, which further exacerbates their already desperate financial situation.

The 8% interest loan program has been met with criticisms and concerns from different corners. Those who have availed of the program complain about the complicated monthly repayment formula used by the government, which makes it impossible for them to understand how the interest is calculated.

Many are also worried about the future of the program, especially with rumors and speculations about potential hikes in the interest rates. Despite the government’s assurances that they will review the program, many people still feel that it doesn’t address their financial needs.

In conclusion, the 8% interest loan program has had a significant impact on Korean society. While it was intended to help those who were financially struggling, the program has ended up burdening those who are already finding it hard to make ends meet. The government should review the program and make necessary changes to ensure that it provides the relief that those who availed of the program need.


Q: What is the eligibility criteria for 8% interest loans?
A: Eligibility for the program depends on several factors, including credit history and income.

Q: Can I apply for the program online?
A: Yes, there is an online application process available for those who want to avail of the program.

Q: Will there be further rate hikes in the future?
A: There are rumors of rate hikes in the future, but no official announcements have been made by the government.

Q: How are monthly payments calculated?
A: Monthly repayments are calculated using a complicated formula that includes the loan principal, interest, and other fees.

Q: Can non-Korean citizens apply for 8% interest loans?
A: No, only Korean citizens and permanent residents are eligible for the program.

보다 더 많은 여신 정보 확인하기

【 앵커멘트 】
금리가 가파르게 올라가면서 2년 전 여신을 받아 집을 구한 이른바 영끌족들 월 상환액이 2배나 늘어난 것으로 나타났습니다.
미국 금리 인상 여파로 주택담보여신 금리 상단이 8%대까지 오를 가능성도 제기되고 있습니다.
배준우 기자입니다.

【 기자 】
4대 은행의 주택담보여신 「고정금리 상단은 일주일 전보다 0.3%p 넘게 높아지며 7%를 넘어섰습니다.」

주담대 금리가 7%를 넘어선 건 2009년 이후 13년 만인데, 연내 8%대로 올라설 거란 관측도 나옵니다.

▶ 인터뷰(☎) : 황세운 / 자본시장연구원 선임연구위원
– “(미) 연준의 금리는 지금보다 1.5%p 정도 더 올라갈 가능성이 예상되고요. (주담대 금리) 상단은 8%를 터치할 가능성을 더 높게 보셔야….”

갑작스런 금리 인상에 변동금리로 여신을 받아 집을 구한 영끌족들의 상환 부담이 크게 늘어난 것으로 나타났습니다.

2년 전 주담대 4억 6천만 원을 받아 서울 마포구의 아파트를 구매한 경우 월 상환액이 224만 원에서 304만 원으로 40% 가까이 늘었습니다.

전세 여신이나 신용여신을 받은 사람도 사정은 비슷합니다.

5억 원의 전세여신을 받아 서초구 아파트에 전세를 구한 경우 2년 만에 월 이자 상환액이 132만 원에서 259만 원으로 2배나 증가한 사례도 있습니다.

▶ 인터뷰(☎) : 신용여신 여신자
– “신용여신 기존에 받아놓은 것 같은 경우엔 변동금리다 보니까 내년에 만기되면 얼마나 더 오를지 이자 부담도 클 것 같아서 걱정입니다.”

정부가 고금리 여신을 저금리로 바꿔주는 안심전환여신을 신청받고 있지만, 4억 원 이하의 주택을 대상으로 해 실효성이 떨어져 이자 부담은 더 커질 것으로 보입니다.

MBN뉴스 배준우입니다.
[ wook21@mbn.co.kr ]

영상편집 : 오광환

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